The Boulanger Girls

Mya & Bailey growing up.

Tuesday, December 19

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. (I will be seeing most, but not all of you)
PS: There will not be any updates until after Jan 15th
when we return from Costa Rica(Yay us!!)
Love Ya!

Christmas cookies

Mya has not been feeling well today with a fever
so Curtis promised to make cookies with her(if she
was feeling well enough). She was quite happy
with this. This is their thing.
They make cookies together all the time
and she loves it.


The first picture EVER of Mya with Santa in which she is not
crying or looking terrified! You go girl!
Bailey does not have a picture with Santa this year
because she was ...well...crying and terrified.
(I must note that this was the most anerexic looking
Santa I've ever seen!)

Bailey's new shoes

Bailey can finally walk. Better late than never!
Yes, she is 20 months old now, we thought
she might never walk at this rate, but she's doing
pretty good. We are VERY relieved!

Wednesday, December 6

Tyler, Kim & Teegan came to visit

Happy 30th Birthday Curtis!

Or...should it say Happy B-day CHRIS!!! hee hee!

Friday, December 1

Fun times

She has a devil costume in the closet. She dresses according to her mood. Where's Mya???
I get this look a lot! AHHH...the paparazzi....